2010年3月22日,我下班回家即开始煮意大利面,等吃饱了腆着肚子上楼,已将近晚上9点。打开Twitter,见到@7id同学说他过生日的今天Google送他一份大礼,便有一种不详的预感浮上心头,赶快在Chrome浏览器中输入google.cn,发现这个域名,已经跳转到google.com.hk了。然后转到Google的官博,发现了一篇更新A new approach to China: an update,当然这个连接墙内是打不开的,我转载了英文原文,有鸟语恐惧症的同学可以去谷奥看翻译版。于是,2010年3月22日,谷歌中国的搜索(网页、图片、资讯)业务,正式停止了内容的自我审核。
Archives for posts tagged ‘Google’
Monday, 22 March 2010
转载自Google Offial Blog A new approach to China: an update 3/22/2010 12:03:00 PM On January 12, we announced on this blog that Google and more than twenty other U.S. companies had been the victims of a sophisticated cyber attack originating from China, and that during our investigation into these attacks we had uncovered evidence to suggest […]
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
重要更新:Google搜索业务撤离中国大陆 当地时间下午3点,Google的官方博客上发出一篇重要更新,名为A new approach to China。本以为是在华的新战略,没想到却看到了这样的字眼。“…this may well mean having to shut down Google.cn, and potentially our offices in China.”顿时心中一凉。遂仔细的把文章看完,看完后心中更凉,好像这次Google很生气,后果很严重。 (via)
Sunday, 1 November 2009
90年代中后期,比尔盖茨还发表过类似于不看好互联网之类的言论。转脸互联网就给了它一个耳光,这个耳光的手掌部分就是google(5个手指头应该是SNS,Blog,微博客等等)。 (via)